Experience the natural sciences firsthand! Excursions, themed walks, exhibitions and more for families and adults impart knowledge in an informative and entertaining way.

Image: OscarLoRo, stock.adobe.com

Naturforschende Gesellschaft Luzern (NGL)

Logo von Naturforschende Gesellschaft Luzern
The NGL is an association with the purpose of promoting natural research and making scientific knowledge accessible to a broad public.
For over 160 years, the society has been committed to the natural sciences, organising lectures, panels and excursions, publishing books and promoting natural research in the region.

Year founded: 1855
Number of members: 510 (2017)
Naturforschende Gesellschaft Luzern (NGL) is a member of SCNAT, Platform Science and Regions (Platform NWR)


Naturforschende Gesellschaft Luzern (NGL)
Erwin Leupi
Seeburgstrasse 43
6006 Luzern