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Bild: OscarLoRo,

Biology Week 2024: Molecular biology and neurosciences

A 5-day course in partnership with the Life Science Learning Center in Zurich


University of Zurich

The Life Science Learning Center in Zurich opened its doors to high school students! For five days, they discovered more about scientific topics and methods in molecular biology and neurosciences.

Fixing electrodes
Bild: SCNAT, Biology Weeks

On Monday morning, twenty students travelled by public transport from all parts of Switzerland to Zurich. They were welcomed at the University of Zurich, to learn about sleep research.

In the evening, they checked into the Zurich youth hostel, then continued the program set up by the life science learning center over the following days at the Irchel campus.
The themes of this year's biology week were :

  • Molecular biology of stress
  • Control of brain development
  • Memory
  • Molecular control of neural stem cells and neural development
  • Synaptic transmission and neuronal excitability

Classes were held in English, enabling students from all language regions to improve their English skills, too.

We'd like to thank the team from the University of Zurich for the quality of the co-organisation and the very interesting content of the courses !

  • Group picture
  • Sleep research
  • Analyzing the data
  • Group pictureBild: SCNAT, Biology Weeks1/3
  • Sleep researchBild: SCNAT, Biology Weeks2/3
  • Analyzing the dataBild: SCNAT, Biology Weeks3/3

Geeignet für

  • 14-18
  • 18+
  • Rollstuhl


Inhalt: anspruchsvoll

Interaktivität: aktiv/passiv

Drinnen/draussen: drinnen


  • Nachwuchsförderung
  • Sekundarschule II


Sprachen: Englisch
Wetterabhängig? Nein
Kostenpflichtig? Nein