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Image : OscarLoRo, stock.adobe.com

A.I. Connecting the Dots - Can Artificial Intelligence Understand Humans?


17:30 - 21:30

Lieu de l'événement

ETH Zürich
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich

Lieu de rendez-vous


As chatbots and virtual assistants, A.I. systems have entered everyday life and the realm of human language. But can A.I. really understand a word’s meaning? Is it able to grasp the context of a phrase and creatively form new sentences? If so, what should we teach it?

A.I - Connecting the Dots
Image : reatch

Come and join the debate about the future linguistic prospects of A.I.! There will be three short talks and a panel-discussion with experts in the field of artificial intelligence, language, and ethics.Speakers and participants in the panel are Prof. Dr. Sabine Stoll (UZH), Chris Boos (Arago), and Prof. Dr. Mathias Schüz (ZHAW). Throughout the evening you will have the change to visit a poster exhibition and talk to academics experts and researching on A.I.. Following the panel discussion, there will be an apéro!

This event forms part of the A.I. series, a joint collaboration between reatch - research and technology in switzerland - and ETH Zürich

Convient aux

Age :
  • 18+
  • 20-40
  • 55+


Contenu : exigeant

Interactivité : actif/passif

Dedans/dehors : à l'intérieur


Langues : Anglais
Exigences météo ? Non
Coût ? Non